I recently spent a month in the Los Angeles area and was getting between 4 and 8 miles/kWh in the Lighting---avoiding the freeways is both faster and more efficient (cheaper). At 4 miles/kWh, I can get 4 miles/kWh*131 kWh = 525 miles; at 8 miles/kWh, I can get >1,000 miles. Many times I returned "home" from a 40 mile round trip errand-run with less than 5% of the battery used. I did have an elderly family member in the vehicle, so I was especially careful about fast starts and stops. But it showed me what was possible even in an "inefficient" truck. No, I'm not saying everyone will get this. And this is obviously not road trip mileage. But it's certainly possible with careful driving.
I'm home now. We're finally getting snow in our mountain town (we're about 50+ inches below normal right now, so I haven't had much opportunity to test the Lightning in the snow). The Lightning shows itself to be fantastic in another way: its performance in snow and on ice is just incredible even with the low-quality OEM tires.
I'm home now. We're finally getting snow in our mountain town (we're about 50+ inches below normal right now, so I haven't had much opportunity to test the Lightning in the snow). The Lightning shows itself to be fantastic in another way: its performance in snow and on ice is just incredible even with the low-quality OEM tires.
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