It seems there is a split on opinions about how they want the vehicle to perform, and I'm curious which direction Scout will take.
Group 1: Wants an EV around town with 150 miles of range, that functions roughly like a gas vehicle when on the open road (yes, I know the difference between the hybrid types). This group wants a generator that can keep up with electricity demands (capable of keeping the battery state of charge more or less at the same level at least). Which means the use case while on the freeway is stopping to fill a tank with gas, as charging wouldn't be necessary.
Group 2: Wants an EV that operates like an EV at all times, where the generator is not meant to keep up with the electricity demands (ie, it fills the battery, but slower than the battery is being emptied). This means on a long road trip you would primarily be stopping to charge (and likely refill with fuel as well).
We won't know which way Scout is planning to implement this for a while. And as long as we get details about how it will work with enough advance time to think about it (ie, if people would want to cancel their order, or switch from Harvester to BEV, or BEV to Harvester), that is fine.
I will say that personally, all the people I know who are interested in the harvester range extender (buddies, parents, just other people I've spoken with about it... not like a poll or anything official) are all in group 1. I believe most of them are cross shopping it with the Ramcharger, and Ram has already stated that the engine is intended to keep up with electricity demands while on the highway. But I also totally understand group 2's perspective. The difficulty is we have little data to go on, which means we're all trying to dissect exactly what was said/shown, with our own takes/perspectives on top of it.
I'm in this camp. I just would find it hard to believe that they intend to put a smaller generator in it than the i3 REX or Volt.
I'd guess between 40-80kw or thereabouts. Not enough to tow up a perpetual grade (uphill both ways right?

), but enough to drive at the flow of traffic on the highway in most conditions. Smaller than that would require me to think a bit more, and see how I'd handle road trips. Mostly I'd worry about the annoyance/logistics of charging and fueling up each stop (getting kids in/out of the car multiple times could be a pain). Not saying its a hard no, just... would have to make sure it works before I commit.