VW, throuh PowerCo plans to mass produce solid state batteries. I am sure that initially they will be more expensive, but the tremendous advantages outweigh the higher cost. I will not buy the Scout I have reserved unless it has a solid-state battery, even if it costs more.
They have a license to commercialize and produce Quantumscape SS batteries, but here are the latest specs on their samples:

A First Look at the QSE-5 B Sample
QuantumScape’s planned first commercial product, QSE-5, is a ~5 amp-hour cell designed to meet the requirements of automotive applications. Here, we’ll walk through the various elements of the cell specifications and explain some of the complexities behind the seemingly simple metric of energy...

The most important spec is:
"gravimetric energy density (also called specific energy) of 301 Wh/kg."
NMC (most popular) cells have energy density of about 270 Wh/kg. So these revolutionary SS batteries give about 11% improvement. Hardly world changing, and not commercialized, and there is no firm date on that.
As before with all of the hundred+ announcements: Wake me when someone has competitively priced, commercially produced cell.