I agree. As a motorcyclist, I am amazed at how many people drive with their phones stuck in their faces. I know other countries have very strict enforcement for cell phone use while driving. What seems to be the problem here in the U.S. as to why it's not enforced?I see both sides of this as I don’t trust FSD-yet but the reference to cell phones is the bigger issue and probably the bigger push for FSD. What needs done is to crack down on cell phone use when driving. I’m still a fan of a signal boost of some kind mounted in the steering wheel that prevents phones from working in the driver’s seat unless it’s connected hands free and then only call/phone feature should be active. When in park, that is fine, phone can function. I don’t understand why everyone feels the need to check TikTok, Facebook and social media while driving. That is the root of so many road issues any more. And I get there will be downtime for charging but do we really need movies playing and game controllers? Our country fails at communicating-in person. Take the 20 minutes you’re charging to actually talk to your kids, your spouse, whomever is in the vehicle with you-your dog ?. If your a contractor slide across the bench, pull out the tray and make a few work calls and catch up with paperwork. But we are, as a country, addicted to social media. And while Scott Keough wants Scouts to be social, I think he intends with the community, out in nature, not on X bitching about the newest life issue.
While I’m ranting I think fines should be quadrupled for drivers using handsets in any vehicle-new or old and half those funds should be used for charger infrastructure improvements and expansions.
They should make the car a giant Faraday Cage when it is not in Park, therefore making the cell phone is useless.
I agree with you about how bad we communicate in person. I took my son to dinner for his birthday. We sat there chatting for hours, no once looking at our phones. The waitress kept coming up to ask if we needed anything. Then one time, she told us that she noticed that we don't have our cell phones out. I told her that's because I trained my kids just to talk. On long road trips, we would just talk. Restaurants, no phones, just talk. So, they don't know any better. She was astounded. She told us to look inside the dining area at some couples. She pointed to different tables where the couples were both on their phones. She said they have been like that since they got here. So, they came to a restaurant together just to sit on their phones and stare at whatever. That in a nutshell, is the problem with out society. But I blame the parents. I don't how many kids or small children and toddlers with a device in their hands? Why? Why did you have kids if you didn't want to talk to them? I don't get it.
Australia is smart. They just recently banned anyone under the age of 16 from being on social media. That's a great start.